Tuesday, June 14, 2011

GBBD - June 2011

Checkered lily seedpod above. Below, June blooms! Check out May Dreams Gardens to see what else is blooming all over the world.


  1. These are all gorgeous flowers...love dried seed pods too.

  2. Referencing the title of your blog, I suspect your thumb is considerably more green than the title would lead us to believe! Wonderful post!! Larry

  3. I love the clematis over the rain barrel...excellent! Happy GBBD!

  4. Lovely post...I'm particularly smitten by the Clematis scrambling up the downspout...so charming!

  5. My kinda of post, just pictures!

  6. Wow, Wendy, Gorgeous, gorgeous! I am too impressed by the Clematis climbing up the downspout. You made everything looks pretty. I am often amazed that between two zones we are in , the plants could be THAT different. I envy what you can grow there. That peony is just drop dead gorgeous!

  7. Wonderful blooms you have Wendy.And you have taken nice shots of them. I love your clematis. It has made that corner looks really lovely ;-)

  8. I love all your blossoms, especially that pink clemmy!

  9. So pretty!

    I can't believe I missed GBBD this month! To be fair, I was recuperating from radiation poisoning...or a cold. Probably a cold, now that I think about it.

  10. Very pretty and I agree with Larry.:)

  11. Beautiful blooms! I love your Clematis too!


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