- Tremella and Lily Bulb "Tong Shui"
Sunday, January 31, 2010
I bet you didn't know this about lilies...
Thursday, January 28, 2010
The greenish thumb potager, before and after

I love working with stone. Though the stone you see above does not necessarily stack like legos as one might imagine, one quickly figures out how to turn the stone around and around to expose the most attractive face, how to steady the stone with adjacent stones, and how to backfill with gravel or soil to create a sturdy wall. I constructed the little potager above in a couple of weeks this spring, working about an hour a day between work and picking up kids. It has served my needs beautifully, and I'll show you why...

Above, you see my first vegetable garden. What an eyesore....and the animals! Can you feel my frustration? Raised beds are a necessity for me. The original veggie garden ground-breaking almost turned into a shovel-breaking as most of what's under the grass is large tree roots, heavy clay, or rocks. In the photo below, you'll see the original year one garden - the L-shaped garden. You'll also notice lots of shade. Though I'm not always so astute, I was wise enough to chart the sunlight in my backyard and found the sunny hours were between 12pm and 6pm. I built the raised beds directly under the sun, as most of my backyard is shaded. Year two brought an expansion (naturally, right?) - a 4X4 square to fill in the L. Below, the inspiration for this garden (my then 7 year old) is helping me plant garlic. See that horrible slope behind her? It's covered in weeds, poison ivy, sunken in dips, tree roots, and broken liquor bottles from the previous owner of the house. Something had to be done.

After much research and a summer of unlimited and unnatural confidence, my husband helped me build the stone wall. The steps lead to a walk that leads to a little sitting area on the slope (outside the left edge of the photo). The plan is to move the fire pit to this cozy sitting area. I'm really pleased with the wall project. The only problem is...it really calls attention to the ugly wooden vegetable garden. I thought about using stone, but envisioned that a large, rectangular, stone vegetable garden would look too "heavy" and too boxy. At the same time, I really wanted to expand as much as possible while still keeping the garden out of the shade.

After ruminating over this for two years, I found the potager below to be the perfect solution. It was easy for me to build myself. There was left over stone from the wall project. The stone maintains a consistent look, but the potager design keeps the garden from looking too utilitarian or heavy. The four rectangles allowed for a slight expansion while still providing paths between the beds so as to prevent trampling the soil. The rounded corners at the center of the potager helps soften the edges. I also love the potager's symmetry. The design maximizes the gardening area under the sun. In the separate beds, I also added monarda, lavender, and a selection of herbs and marigolds in an effort to attract pollinators and beneficials. Of course, having a space in the center allows for a container planting that is a beautiful focus as I walk to the back yard from the side yard, or as I look out the back window.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
How to make luffa gourd sponges

Super simple to make the sponge below: First I cut the luffa sponge to the size and shape I wanted. Then, I found a new, thick, totally luxe bath towel and cut a piece to size. Next, I used a strip of the pom pom decoration that I bought by the yard in the notions department of my favorite fabric store. I sandwiched the pom pom strip between the luffa and towel. I did use some clamps (paper clips actually!) to hold the pieces together, but because the inside of the luffa is so textured, it readily gripped the back of the towel as well. I also inserted the little D-ring (also from the fabric store) and a wide piece of bias tape. This is for hanging the sponge in the shower. I used a sewing machine to sew the pieces together about 1/4" from the edge. You may see an impression, but because both luffa and towel are so thick and textured, the actual thread nearly disappears. This is a project that beginning sewers can accomplish with ease, as lines do not need to be perfect. It's VERY forgiving!

Friday, January 15, 2010
GBBD January - $120 of blooms
My heart skipped two beats today- once when 2 dozen white roses were delivered to my office, and for the second time when my husband told me how much he'd spent on this gorgeous bouquet.
Bonus points he didn't even know he'd earn: good timing. Here's my GBBD contribution!
The only flowers blooming around here are cut and in a vase, but take a look to see what else is blooming around the world today at May Dreams Gardens.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
My Garden Story

Monday, January 11, 2010
Butter Beary likes sprouts...
- in the bottom of a bowl of soup.
- sprinkled on top of a salad (I might even call these "sprinkles" next time - think she'll buy that?).
- mixed into tuna, chicken, salmon etc. salad (out of sight, out of mind).
- blended into pesto (or other) sauce.
- added to salad (or other) dressings.
- as Stephanie suggested, in a stir-fry for dinner.
- sprouting different types of seeds. Larger legumes and nuts can be sprouted and snacked on alone. I might play up the "snack" (i.e. treat!) aspect of these sprouts.
- edited to add: Julie from The Little Things - my favorite mommy blog, suggests making a smiley face and adding sprouts as the hair. So clever!
With a gentle introduction to sprouts, perhaps we can all come to enjoy the health benefits and develop a taste for freshly sprouted seed. Tis a big bowl for Butter Beary to eat alone.
Friday, January 8, 2010
How to grow sprouts
My materials below are from Sprout People. They take sprouting and their seeds very seriously and if your interest in sprouts is piqued by this post, definitely consult them. They're not paying me to say this, and if you check out their site, you'll see why I think they're so cool.
If you thought people just sprouted alfalfa seeds, you're in for a flavorful shock. This time, I used Sprout People's Nicks's Hot Sprout Salad - red clover, radish, mustard, fenugreek, cress, dill, and celery. The sprouter I used has an insert with a sieve-like bottom that allows you to drain water by simply lifting it out of the outside container. Be sure your materials are ultra-clean before sprouting.
Day 1: soak seeds for 8-12 hours in about three times as much water. Below, the fragrant seeds prior to soaking. This is about 2 tablespoons of seed.
Day 3 photo below... follow same procedure - rinse and drain very well every 8-12 hours.
Day 4 photo below...still rinsing and draining every 8-12 hours.
Day 5 photo below... you guessed it. Every 8-12 hours.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Baltimore Checkerspot Butterfly: Sixth graders: read this post about credible sources

Saturday, January 2, 2010
2010 calendar
But first, what I look forward to in the early spring - my favorites: allium, baptisia, sinocalycalycanthus shrub.
2010 Garden Almanac
Late winter/early spring
Prune roses when buds swell.
Prune blueberries if needed.
Thin raspberry canes to keep 3-5 strongest per foot and shorten to 4’.
Clean up perennial beds.
Cut down cover crop and dig under. Amend garden beds, especially carrot/salad bed.
3/1 – sow seeds for hardy plants – beets, carrots, endive, peas, radish, kale, spinach.
3/10 – start seeds for tender plants indoors.
3/15 – sow seed for lettuce and chard.
Remember to water – write in calendar to check moisture.
Check in on compost.
Early this month - when bulb shoots emerge, * fertilize bulbs, acid-loving plants, perennials, roses, lawn.
4/15 – sow seed for tender plants – beans, etc.
Remember to water – write in calendar to check moisture.
5/1 – begin to harden off seedlings and transplant to garden.
Pinch mums to 4-6”. Pinch each side shoot as it reaches 4-6”.
Foliar feed every 2 weeks.
Stay on top of harvesting, deadheading and bug infestations.
Stop pinching mums.
Stay on top of harvesting, deadheading and bug infestations.
Stay on top of harvesting, deadheading and bug infestations.
8/15 sow seed for fall veggies.
Remember to water – write in calendar to check moisture.
Remove any fruited raspberry canes.
Stay on top of harvesting, deadheading and bug infestations.
10/15 plant garlic (6”apart, 3”deep).
Plant cover crop.
Garden clean up.
Empty rain barrel and flick switch to the downspout.
* Just a note: I love the company Gardens Alive, and use many of their environmentally friendly fertilizers and products. Check them out if don't already use their products! Of course, they're not paying me to say this! If you do decide to buy from them, they always have great coupons.