Sunday, November 1, 2009

Fall landscape at Brookside Gardens (lots of photos!)

I'm taking a two-day landscape photography class at Brookside Gardens with Joshua Taylor, Jr., who is not only a great photographer, but has a really fun personality and is very inspiring as well. In our first session last weekend, we learned some basics in the classroom, then went outside to shoot our own photos with the instructor moving us along here and there, answering questions, and showing us how he was setting up his own photos. Among the many tips I learned, the most instantly helpful to me was setting the white balance on my camera to "cloudy". Here are some of my shots from the weekend. There are LOTS of photos below so if you have a slow connection, you may want to abort now!


  1. Wow, these pictures are beautiful. I like the ripple on the pond and the reflection on the water. I bet it was fun and you have learnt a lot. That's great!

  2. These are beautiful! I especially like the one of the tree, about half-way down, after the grasses and before the leaves on the grass.

  3. Nicely done! Very beautiful virbrant colors!

  4. Lovely! What a worthwhile and fun class to take. I think your compositional eye is excellent.

    I especially love the shot of the single still-orange maple leaf surrounded by many browned leaves: it's simple yet beautifully eloquent.

  5. I have always wanted to take one of those photography classes... somehow never enough time.
    These are very lovely pics. My favorite are: second from the top (with leaves on rocks) and the one with a lake and a house...
    Great job, hope to see more photos!

  6. You have done a fabulous job with these! I love them ALL! Have fun with your class.

  7. Thanks for sharing that tip about the cloudy day setting. I am amazed that such a simple step can make such a difference. Beautiful work!

  8. Wendy, Wendy, what amazing pictures. I think that I should take a class like this, you photos give me something to aspire to!

  9. Wendy, these are fabulous! The photo of the lake and gazebo [?] in the background and how you positioned your camera reminds me of a Thomas Kincaid. "Cloudy setting?" Hmmmm... I'll have to check to see if my camera has this. I look forward to reading about your next class.

  10. Yes, I did a few test shots and on cloudy, there is this warmth you can't get in any other setting. I'm not a big Photoshop person, so I'm not going to be playing around with a photo after I take it. Oh, with my camera, I had to turn the dial to "P" in order to access the white balance and change to cloudy.

    Jane, I like the photo of the red leaf among the others too. It reminds me of something Josh Taylor said - in a field of a thousand tulips, one should say, "photograph ME". Or something like that!! :)

    Photo class in high school was the one class I actually did pay attention in. I sort of wondered what I'd learn in a 2 day workship, but little tips, tricks, being in a group of people all interested in photography, and having the chance to be creative is just awesome. I'm always signing up my kids for classes, it's nice to actually do some learning and gaining some inspiration myself!

    Thanks for the compliments!

  11. Love your photos!! I can't enough of autumn pictures from everyone. I hope you will post more. Have another exciting day... snap, snap snap!!!

  12. Hi Wendy, wonderful photos, he may be a great teacher but you are surely a great student! Inspiring and creative and artistic and wonderful images. Thanks so much for sharing.cheers, catmint

  13. Magical....stunning! Wonderful job!

  14. Doesn't seem like you need a class. Your photos are awesome! Such beautiful scenery!

  15. You take such beautiful pictures - and it looks like you have wonderful scenery to work with. One of these days I WILL experience fall in New England. Thanks for sharing!

  16. From these photos you posted, the photography class was fruitful indeed! Keep on shooting!


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