Sunday, November 22, 2009

Having a gardening friend means...

... surprise gifts of simple and very special arrangements!

I gave my friend Grace (photos of her gorgeous late summer garden here) a mini sweet potato casserole last week and on my doorstep yesterday was not just the empty dish, but a vase with one of her lovely reblooming irises, surrounded with sage. I can't believe her irises are still blooming and we're right up to Thanksgiving!

Perhaps I'll look around my garden and see what I can fill the vase with when I go to return it to Grace! Why ever give anything back empty? :)


  1. That is sweet. :)
    My friend Susan gave me a Coleus cutting years ago that I am still limping along!
    Such a pretty Iris!

  2. What a lovely gift. I so like the idea of never giving back something empty.

  3. Wendy~~ You are so right. My garden buddy Carol has generously supplied me with many a cutting and division. Gardeners are the sweetest people!

  4. Such an extraordinary blue flower! I would never have the chance to see this flower here. I like those nice leaves that are surrounding the flower. Lovely! Your friend so sweet :-D

  5. Beautiful! You're so blessed to have a generous gardening friend for a neighbor!

  6. Thats nice, exchanging dishes. Wished someone would do that at my doorstep. Have a nice weekend.

  7. I love the idea of using sage as foliage in an arrangement. The dusky green looks terrific with the purple picotee iris.

  8. My garden is filled with plants that frends have given over the years. Nice exchanges and great remembrances:))


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