Friday, November 6, 2009

Not quite kaput...

Alstroemeria 'sweet laura'

Salvia 'east friesland' started from seed, and blooming since June in its neglected container.

Marigolds in the vegetable garden will no doubt go on blooming forever!

Hiding under the Northern Sea Oats, a cyclamen (or should I say cyclaman?)...

This cane rose produces gorgeous red roses all summer...

This rose is my favorite. It's a tea rose and the fragrance knocks you out.

Lavender still going... I bought these and planted them just about a month ago.

Morning glory, the beautiful bane of my existence, still blooming and setting seed for all kinds of fun come spring time.

Crocus sativus - more on this wonderful little fall-blooming crocus in a future post.

Gaillardia - this tough perennial has been blooming for most of the summer. It was planted last fall. After it was in bud in the late spring, the deer leveled it. A few weeks later, it was in bud again when the deer came back for seconds. It finally had a chance to bloom, just before I moved it. After a little shock, it bounced back and made a fresh flush of leaves and blooms. I think this perennial deserves a space in every garden!

Some of my chrysanthemums...

The gorgeous "saga nashiki" chrysanthemum.

A little spotlight on one of my favorite shrubs, fothergilla 'beaver creek'. What else can beat the white bottlebrush blooms in the spring, lush green textured leaves in the summer, and beautiful autumn color?


  1. Love your A. 'Sweet Laura.' A number of years ago, this plant was sold at local nurseries here (Maine) as hardy to Zone 4 (yeah, right!). I really enjoyed mine for the one season that I had it, but it's nice to see it growing happily in a more suitable climate. -Jean

  2. Hi Wendy~~ I'm convinced I have to have Northern Sea Oats. Now more than ever. Love the cyclaman underneath. That Gallardia is tempting too. I can almost smell your roses. The purple mum is really unusual. And speaking of unusual, 'Laura' looks like an exotic tropical from the islands.

  3. Gaillardia grows wild here. It is absolutely beautiful on the side of the roads in August, when it is so hot out you can't catch a breath. My kind of plant!

  4. Your crysanthemums are as beautiful as your dad's :-D I like that 'saga nashiki'... oh shounds so Japanese he he... Regarding Gaillardia, yes I agree that such plants deserves a place in every garden for it is so loyal and beautiful at the same time. Enjoy your garden Wendy!

  5. Wendy,
    Still so much going on at your place! I am going to have to ad Gaillardia to the ever-growing list of plants to grow. How long do Cyclamen's bloom for? Just curious.

  6. I'm amazed how much growth you still have. Must be the difference in locale. All of it is very pretty.

  7. ooh. The cyclamen. I don't go out the the back nearly enough to check on what's going on. The few cyclamen corms I planted a few years ago were promptly snatched by some pesty squirrel, so I'm not sure what's still out there. Whatever is, is probably not very healthy and happy, so I was actually really surprised to find that cyclamen! And happy too I should say!

    The alstroemeria I LOVE. I've heard of people not having luck with the sweet laura coming back, but for me, every plant has to be a plant-it-and-forget-it, and it's been great, and has come back every year.

    I also don't cut flowers nearly enough, but that would be a great one to cut.

  8. cyclaman, hee're a riot, Wendy. glad to see you inherited the mum gene, yours are splendid.

  9. Good gracious, you must have much warmer weather than we do here - even my marigolds and mums are long gone now. :o( Beautiful, and great work! I wish there was a way to take a photo of your entire yard, I bet it's just gorgeous!

  10. Absolutely stunning. Wish we had more hardy mums...


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