Saturday, September 5, 2009

GBBD - Blooming in september - ornamental grasses

Diamond Grass

Benikaze - reddish/purple in summer

Northern Sea Oats - nice in shade

Purple fountain grass - usually not hardy in my zone, but this guy decided to surprise me by coming back this year

A couple of perennials are impressing me with their determination...
Burgundy Gaillardia planted this spring - leveled by deer as it was about to bloom, then leveled again a month or so after. This plant is a survivor and has lots of buds and several weeks left to show us what it's got.

Like a phoenix, Kim's Mop Head echinacea blooms rising from a left-for-dead plant knocked down with a mildew problem.

This month's Garden Blogger's Bloom Day post is a week early. Now that school is in session and I'm back to work full time, I'll need to post when I can... This full time work thing really puts a damper on my gardening hobby. For other bloom day posts, see May Dreams Garden's blog (link will be clickable after 9/15). See you here next month at this time - hopefully with photos of my large-blooming chrysanthemums...


  1. Beautiful grasses! I especially love the purple fountain grass - lovely!

  2. Are you excited to be back at school? I think your job as a highschool counselor is a challenging one but probably fun, too! Well, my friend, I will miss your postings...come visit when you have some free time ok! I would want to cover those gillardias before they get mowed down for the 3rd

  3. I think next year I am going to put a few grasses around our yard. They really add a nice touch.

  4. nice bunch of grasses you are growing. i like the purple fountain. thanks for sharing with us.

  5. Hello Wendy, I hope those deer would not disturb the grass. I love watching those long fountain grass being blown by wind. The grass does not seem to care... they always stay in shape and look healthy all the time. Have an enjoyable and productive day at school :-)

  6. I really like the Northern Sea Oats. Very interesting.


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