Monday, August 5, 2013

My garden wall

Well, I'm not a stonemason, landscaper, or anything remotely close, and when I'm dead and gone, someone's going to be cursing my name as they repair this non-professionally made wall, but I do sometimes wonder at the fact that I made this whole thing with my bare hands...  After a few years, it's weedy.  Last year's derecho zapped a tree that broke a part of the wall (that I've shoddily repaired).  I've got too much to keep up with and this slope hasn't been mulched in years.  Plants are alive but do not thrive, but all in all, I'm pleased - and glad I did it when I did, because I can't imagine taking on this job now!  See this post about the summer when the wall was created.  


  1. Isn't it fun to look back at projects and think "did I really do that all by myself?" I remember that post. To my eye it's looking great, weeds or no.

  2. Ah!!! Wendy it is absolutely beautiful!!! I'm super impressed with your work and the fact that you did it with your own bare hands makes it even more perfect! I wish I had something like that because it gives dimension to your space as well as an English garden/farm feel...awesome!!!

  3. It looks so great, and I've always been impressed that you did this. I have just started working on my edging, and I have an appreciation for the work involved in moving rock. But it's worth it in the end :)

  4. Wow you are hard on yourself. I think your walls looks amazing. You should feel very proud.

  5. Hostas is one of my favorites. Simply amazing what a little landscaping can do for an area. I must say that before I was introduced to the nursery life I had no idea that it meant so much to homeowners. Without landscaping home would not look half as attractive.

  6. I'm impressed, too, Wendy. The wall looks so professional. I realize we women have been socialized to be modest, but still.....

  7. Your rock work makes me salivate. Gorgeous. You should be very proud of your accomplishment.

  8. Any landscaping that is done should be cherished and make the gardener proud. Even if no one else enjoys your garden but you. Gardens give back a very much deserved sense of pleasure and accomplishment.


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