Thursday, August 1, 2013

Summer Garden - July 2013


  1. Floralicious! Your cat looks just like our Sami lounging in the background.

  2. Your blooms are beautiful girl!!! You have so much color popping everywhere!!!! So Lovely!!!

  3. Such a beautiful flowers in yoru garden! Beautiful place to live!

  4. This makes me smile :) I hope you get to enjoy your garden this weekend!


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btw - if you're trying to show me nude Miley Cyrus photos, sell me nikes or viagra or antibiotics, or encourage my lovely garden readers to visit your site on solar panel construction, or seo-whatevers, sorry, but I'm not publishing your comment. If you want to moderate my blog - well, I can't keep you too busy, and the pay would be horrible. And lastly, no. I'm not interested in Club Penguin cheat codes. Thanks anyway.

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