Friday, August 16, 2013

"Ugh, more of Wendy's homemade crap"

This was a gift of apple pie filling.  The card included photos of the apple picking, peeling, pie making.  This was given mostly to family because the adorable family photos seemed too obnoxious to give to anyone else.  It also included a variety of great recipes to include the pie filling in.  

When I was driving to my talk at the Library of Congress the other day, I was thinking about the jars of canned foods I like to gift to people - my strawberry margarita jam, my habanero pepper jelly, my sweet plums.  I was thinking, boy, I hope people don't think - "Ugh, this homemade crap" and throw my stuff out.  Canners know that a lot of time, love, and money go into making these jars of homemade things!

This was my first homemade gift.  Bruschetta, evoo, melba toasts, sparkly star shaped lollipops.  

As I was driving and in my own head the other day, I was thinking about the pickled cherry tomatoes that I'd just canned and would like to give away to a few select people in my life.  I mean, the cost of the jars, the ingredients (champagne vinegar is not cheap!), the fact that I sweated it out all summer watering those tomatoes...  I lovingly started the seeds in March - spritzing the seedlings daily, regularly adjusting their habitat under the best grow lights.  And the garlic clove?  I planted that garlic last fall, having carefully stored the bulbs from the previous spring!  I could keep going back...

Sometimes I calculate these gifts in monetary terms - a la The $64 Tomato.  Just to see.  So I also add to the cost of supplies, my hourly cost of labor.  I take my hourly wage - which is relatively decent, then I give myself a little raise because having to work full time means my spare time is even more valuable.  All that totals... a hefty sum for the jar of triple berry jam one may receive.

This was a berry jam.  Tea, chocolate, and scone mix.

So for all the people out there who have ever received a homemade treat from anyone, believe me, they are NOT crap.  If you receive a homemade jar of something, consider yourself a special friend - one that is worthy of the sweat, labor, time, and thought that has gone into the giver's gift.  It's a big deal.


  1. Oh, those are very nice and so thoughtfully put together! I like the themed items that complement each other. Now who wouldn't love to get one of those? One year I did little jars of hot pepper butter (mustard) and homemade venison summer sausage for a few select, special people who I knew would enjoy it, but usually a jar of jam or apple butter dressed up pretty is about all I can manage as busy as I am.

  2. I am always thrilled to receive gifts of home canned or baked food. Maybe it's because I know how much work and love it takes to grow the food and preserve it, but it's also because it's always so incredibly delicious. I would never throw it away. NEVER.

  3. Anyone with a tastebud to call his/her own will treasure and hoard your exceptional gifts.

  4. So true .. exactly as posted! Makes one wonder.

  5. Beautiful! That apple pie filling with the pictures is beyond wonderful! Well...they all are!!! I would so appreciate this...these are the gifts that rock!!!!! How do you make your pie filling???

    1. I used the ball book recipe. Easy! But it calls for clearjel, not something I could find easily. Had to order online and it took several days while my apples waited...and waited...and waited.

  6. What fantastic, thoughtful, well put together, gifts! "Homemade" is the best part.

  7. I'm sending you my address! We're distant relatives, right?!

  8. Anyone that doesn't want your "homemade crap" is dumb, and you can always bring those jars full 'o luv to my house. :)

  9. Bravo, here here, my friend. I don't do a lot of kitchen projects because I know how much work they are. Recently a friend gave me a jar of strawberry and rhubarb jam. I brought it to work and mixed a spoonful with my plain Greek yogurt and I'm telling you it was DEEE LISH. So I emailed and thanked her again for her thoughtfulness. People like you Wendy deserve a hearty round of applause. Homemade crap? NEVER.

    Um, btw, your comment preface below is more apropos than ever after that awards show fiasco a few nights ago. Miley, put some damn clothes on! Cheers. :)

  10. I agree, I don't give my homemade stuff to just anyone. I have never actually done the math but I'm sure that's a crazy number, especially if it's homegrown and organic. But I love to make it, and like you, sure hope they appreciate it!

  11. Wendy, so true! Last year I didn't have time to make and send a bunch of canned goods for Christmas. I thought, "No biggie," since no one that I sent goodies to over the years ever said they liked it, wanted more, etc. I always thought they would open up my boxes and toss my "homemade crap". Well the funny thing was after Christmas everyone was all "What happened? We always look forward to your canned goods.How come you didn't send any??" NOW they tell me! LOL!

  12. Wendy, so true! Last year I didn't have time to make and send a bunch of canned goods for Christmas. I thought, "No biggie," since no one that I sent goodies to over the years ever said they liked it, wanted more, etc. I always thought they would open up my boxes and toss my "homemade crap". Well the funny thing was after Christmas everyone was all "What happened? We always look forward to your canned goods.How come you didn't send any??" NOW they tell me! LOL!


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