Friday, May 28, 2010

Scenes from my father's place

In the vegetable garden. Top: left side of the garden, ready to be planted. Bottom: funky scapes.

The landscaping in the circle of the driveway...

And at the end of a long day maintaining this property, one must take time to unwind...

Click here for a more detailed tour and other photos from late last summer.


  1. Hi Wendy,
    I am reading down my blogroll list until I need to go to bed. I am so far behind in my blog reading.

    Your dad has an awesome place! I like his fishing pole collection, too.

    I enjoyed reading down to your May GBBD post. You sure have lots of blooms. I love baptisias, too. We also have some of the other flowers in common.

    I planted some strawberries a friend dug from her yard, but they aren't doing well. It looks like you are having a nice harvest. I planted some raspberries a couple weeks ago, and they look like they will be fine.

    Happy spring!

  2. Wow...lovely..fabulous post! I love that statue..really lovely sceneries...yay..thankyou for sharing!

  3. Hi Wendy, what a stunning garden your father has. I especially love the photo with the lake and statue. I just read the earlier post on it, and am struck by all the Chinese influences.

  4. Your dad's place is heaven on earth, Wendy! I'm ga-ga over that pond! I would come 'home' every weekend to visit! :)

  5. Your father's garden leaves me speechless. So very impressive.

    I think he and I are growing the same radishes, but mine are in one 4' row. I was planning to write something about them today.

    And are those scapes of top-set onions? I'm growing those too, and haven't the faintest idea what to do with them.

  6. Very impressive. And cool to see your dad's fishing poles. Tom would be very jealous indeed to think of such a wonderful situation to spend hours of zen-like quietude while casting away!

  7. The whole place is rather complete..., a place for ducks to sleep and swim among others. I love that smile with a catch!

  8. This is a garden that I always dream about. I really really envy you, Wendy. Please do give us more of this place as your weather changes from spring to summer. I'd like to see magic come alive in your dad's garden, a place where East meets West. How can I forget the lovely willows and feathered friends by the pond. It's a great weekend getaway. Happy weekend!

  9. Hi Wendy~~ I tried counting the fishing poles... Now that's a sign of a diehard fisherman! He looks so happy with his catch. I bet your kids love visiting this delightful paradise. Lucky you!

  10. Thanks for looking! Yes, the kids do find lots and lots to do - especially the older one who really feels like she grew up here. I never lived in this house as my parents built this house and transformed the property after I'd left for college. I do see it as their house though and enjoy coming out here every weekend. As much as I would love to have a huge piece of land to garden in, you would not believe the work it takes to maintain this place! And Catmint, you're right about the Chinese influences - something I didn't realize too much until I became an adult (or maybe a more mature adult!).

  11. Everytime you show your father's garden, I cannot imagine how the place is maintained. And I wouldn't know how to also. Such a beautiful place. The water lilies are super gorgeous!

  12. your father's place is so inspiring- I love the way you have recorded it for us to enjoy :)

  13. Your dad is so cool! Love that last pic of him. What amazing grounds he's created, and so fantastic that you're journaling it all. He really is inspiring!


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