Saturday, October 17, 2009

Halloween container planting


  1. My dear Wendy, this is a nice picture. Yes, Halloween! But I wouldn't want to meet this black fella first thing in the morning. You know about the black cat taboo, don't you?

  2. Sassy cat is harmless. :) The only thing I don't want to meet first thing in the morning is her little presents that she leaves us!!

  3. I have stray cats coming into the house compound every now and then also. Those little 'presents'... yucks! Btw, I like this idea of having a black cat as a decor for halloween. Those green eyes and black body can be quite frightening ;-)

  4. Fabulout planter, who knew a kitty would make such a great focal point! :)

  5. Sorry I can't spell, of course I meant 'fabulous' not 'fabulout' lol.

  6. A purrfect planter for Halloween :)
    And such a pretty kitty.
    We get those little "presents" too. Cats are much too generous :)
    Thanks for stopping by and saying hello!


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