Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Sally Lunn with buttery pumpkin spread and Hong Kong style

An improvement on the Heritage Sally Lunn bread I made the other day.  First, I made a really really delicious pumpkin and butter spread.  This was simply a blend of about 2 parts butter, 1 part mashed, roasted Seminole pumpkin, ground clove, nutmeg, lots and lots of cinnamon (a superfood), and a teaspoon of honey.  Wonderful on fresh bread or toast.

Then, I decided the only way to top this would be to add a drizzle of sweetened condensed milk
Hong Kong cafe style.  If you've never had this, try it.   I guarantee you'll love it!


  1. Wendy, you really sent me back to my childhood with the Sally Lunn bread. We used to buy this at the local bakery (back in the Paleolithic when there were local bakeries) and it was just killer toasted. Thanks for the time warp.


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