Friday, November 15, 2013

Seminole pumpkin cheesecake

So when my thoughts are not occupied with something pressing at any particular moment, I'm usually thinking about some food that's been in my head.  I will usually not rest until I get it.  Pumpkin cheesecake has been on my mind for about a week or two, ever since a friend celebrated a birthday and posted a photo from her trip to the Cheesecake Factory on Facebook.  

I'd thought many times of zipping down the street to the Cheesecake Factory to pick up a piece, but I'm trying to make better decisions about food.  So what do I do instead?  I make a whole freaking cake.  But man, this cake was freaking good.  All I can say to justify it is that I grew the pumpkin myself, so surely the calories don't count as much.  Plus, the recipe makes a pretty dense and generous cake - plenty to share with others.  I used this recipe - all those perfect 5 star reviews were no joke.  This was an awesome recipe.  

Instead of the can of pumpkin called for in the recipe, we used 2 cups of roasted and pureed Seminole pumpkin


  1. Holy awesome here friend!!! What a great learning experience for the kids to use your pumpkins rather than canned!!!! And are you kidding?!? All you had to say was pumpkin and cheesecake! Thanks for sharing this sweet goodness!!!!!!

  2. I want to try this recipe .... the image looks amazing!


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