Sunday, July 7, 2013

More pies and pineapple upside-down cake

It's a good thing pie season is coming to a close for us.  You'd think the 15 indicates the number of pounds put on this spring/summer, but it's the age of my oldest.  The age when I started dating her dad.  Ack!  This is her birthday pie.  Not so purty, but I can assure you this apple and mixed berry pie tasted good!

One thing this kid enjoys as much as eating baked goods - making baked goods.  This is the pineapple upside-down cake she made for her dad's birthday.  It was delicious!!!  I think we need a revival of the pineapple upside-down cake.  Is there a more decadent, moist, sweet, and attractive treat?  


  1. Yum, wish I could have tried both of those!

  2. Yummy! Your daughter is so pretty!

  3. So good to hear from you. I am steadily getting back into blogging having lost loads of my readers, so I was pleased to hear from you. Your 15 year old is a stunning young lady. Belated Birthday to her and her father. I haven't made upside down pineapple in ages, may have to give it a go this summer.

  4. That daughter is going to be in high demand.


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