Sunday, October 28, 2012

Scamp's birthday

Scamp is still alive and kicking after last year's ordeal with rupturing a disk and requiring the $7,000 surgery. It was such a melodramatic, emotional, stressful time if you recall!!!  

The vet thinks this good ole boy is oooold.  But probably not yet 9.  Kind of a sucky deal since the rescue said he was 3!!!  I don't think it was intentional though because they have labeled other dogs old - even the younger-looking ones.  Either way, we adore this supersweet, gentle, adorable old guy.  We have just celebrated his first year being a member of our family.  He enjoyed the birthday party planned for him by my 7 year old.  


  1. Sweet is right, Wendy,. He is such a cutie, and so lucky to have found a home with you. Happy Birthday, Scamp!

  2. Such a cute dog! May he live a healthy life!

  3. Hi Wendy, I have three of the same blue and white porcelain pot as you have. They are at least two decades old. I used them as containers for my indoor plants.

  4. Happy birthday, Scamp!! Has it really been a year?

    He sure looks handsome in a slightly mischievous
    way. Give him a hug from me.

  5. Happy belated birthday to Scamp! So glad to see him looking good.


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