Thursday, June 14, 2012

GBBD - June 2012

If I spare you the commentary, you'll get to check out all that's blooming in my garden on this Garden Blogger's Bloom Day as well as visit May Dreams Gardens for more.  Do leave a comment before you go though so I can see what's going on in your part of the world too!


  1. Wendy, you have lovely blooms there huh! I love that purplish blue buttons, whatever that is. Now if you will look at my photos in my post, they are not stolen anymore from Andrea, they are labeled with Oxygen Generators, so you wont be stressed! hahaha!

  2. I liked the non-comment approach to your GBBD! I might try it myself. You have a nice set of flowers this month and a very nice garden blog. I'll have to come back and visit.
    Happy GBBD from Texas.
    David/Tropical Texana/Houston :0)

  3. You have fascinating bloom shapes in your garden. Wonderful variety and all so pleasant to look at. Btw, nope I don't speak Korean. Those dramas were already dubbed or subtitled ;-)

  4. All the blooms looks so lovely but the 3rd pic from the bottom look so immaculately elegant.
    I'm guessing its gardenia?

    I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger award. Check it out in my latest post. You have a great day!

    1. Fun, thanks!! I think you're talking about the magnolia blossom. The fragrance is spectacular!

  5. Definetly like your format also. I can guess what the plants are. Love your clematis.

  6. All gorgeous! And really, you don't need words.

  7. aloha wendy,

    the garden is beautiful, thanks for the wonderful garden tour :)

  8. Such pretty blooms! I especially love the rose - what a gorgeous color! Happy GBBD!

  9. You have a beautiful summer garden now with colourful blooms. Some plants I am not familiar with. I certainly I have a rose with that lovely orange colour tone and petal shape.

  10. Beautiful Blooms! Which Monarda is that?

  11. what a lot of divine flowers are growing in your garden!

  12. I spy a kitty cat! Your blossoms are wonderful. That Magnolia is regal and the Freesias, ooh, la, la! Your flowers are way ahead of mine. I still have no Butterfly Bush, Coneflower, Lilies or Monarda so it was a nice treat seeing yours.

  13. Your garden is looking very colourful.
    Here in the UK the Monarda plants invariably get the dreaded mildew.
    Your Freesias look good also, never had much luck with them in the garden.
    Thanks for sharing


My awesome gardening friends...thanks for leaving a comment! I don't typically repond here, but I love knowing who you are so I can visit your blog as well.

btw - if you're trying to show me nude Miley Cyrus photos, sell me nikes or viagra or antibiotics, or encourage my lovely garden readers to visit your site on solar panel construction, or seo-whatevers, sorry, but I'm not publishing your comment. If you want to moderate my blog - well, I can't keep you too busy, and the pay would be horrible. And lastly, no. I'm not interested in Club Penguin cheat codes. Thanks anyway.

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