Friday, April 29, 2011

Garden to Table Challenge - Pommelo Mojito

Pommelo Mojito

Mint in the garden, rum in the cabinet, citrus in the fruit basket. Could it be any more obvious? The sweet/tart of the pommelo is a perfect match for the classic lime/mint mojito. There are many great recipes for mojitos, but let's just say due to experience, I've memorized a recipe that never requires measuring yet works well every time.
  • In a tall glass, muddle: 1/2 lime cut into a few wedges, a spoonful of sugar, and a small bunch of mint leaves (about 6-10 leaves).
  • Fill the glass to just over the imaginary 1/3 line with rum.
  • Add some ice.
  • Fill to top with club soda.
  • Today, since I had some pommelo, I added a handful of peeled sections to the mix.
Just what am I drinking to tonight? Kate - ahem - Catherine and William, the delightful 71 degrees in which I will be working in my garden tomorrow, the spectacular 2 year old perennial garden in the front, moss phlox trailing over the stone wall, alliums in bloom, paying off the credit cards!!, the new sump pump, Friday nights, and everything growing like gangbusters in the potager. Fodder for a season of weekly Garden to Table Challenge posts!

WHAT THE GTTC CHALLENGE IS ALL ABOUT: Want to join me? It's fun! Take what you're harvesting from your garden or buying fresh and locally from your farmer's market and challenge yourself to transform it into something amazing. Post on your blog and then link here so others can find you. You may decide to add your own spin to the challenge. I have recently found out that I am lactose intolerant and I continue to work towards my weight loss goal so my challenge this season will be to cook light and without lactose whenever possible.

WHAT YOU GET OUT OF IT: You'll find this out very quickly for yourself. You may cook more. You may eat better. You may get out of a same old/same old rut. You may try new things. You may discover an new cookbook. You may rediscover an old cookbook. You may make new friends. You may be inspired by others, and you may inspire. PLUS, I will be offering prizes! At the end of the spring/summer season, I will offer prizes (to be determined later) to 3 people who will be randomly chosen. But...I think you'll find the fun is in the challenge itself and not the bonus of a prize entry - I just like to give prizes because it's fun for me. :)

HOW TO PARTICIPATE: Publish your post on your blog and be sure to provide a link back to this blog. Link below so others can find you. I will give you one prize entry for each week that you post/provide a link to this blog/link below. The week's GTTC post will be up by Saturday, however you can post/link whenever you like during that week. If you're not officially doing a GTTC post and linking, I always still love your comments! So what's going on in your garden and kitchen this week? Anyone still under snow cover?

*Please do not add your blog and link below if you're not participating. This is ultimately just plain obnoxious. The point of Mr. Linky is for others to find your posts relating to this meme. Thanks!


  1. You are motivating me to try new things with our harvest. Thank you for hosting! Good toast for the newlyweds.

  2. Yay Wendy..fabulous post..thanks for the recipe..looks yummy!
    I hope to play in the summer when I actually have some food and herbs to share! Thee snow just left recently here in I am excited for the garden now!
    I love your blog header by the photo!
    Take care and happy May!

  3. I just love your new fiddlehead photo, Wendy. So classy!!!!

  4. Nice start to GTTC! I'm still only harvesting salad greens but I maybe able to steal a few chinese cabbage leaves and bok choy from the garden soon.

  5. We have mint in the garden too, and can you believe I've never made a mojito?

    There's not a lot ready to harvest yet, mostly salad-y things, but my early tomato plants are all blooming.

  6. hi Wendy, I'm not participating, but I'm supporting and admiring ... great sounding drink. cheers, catmint

  7. Mojitos!!! After a day like today...I sure could use one!

  8. Hi, Wendy. I didn't do a post to link, but I did discover miner's lettuce growing along our roadside. It is a great, tender little green, and cute, too. There is a picture in my wildflower walk post.

  9. Sounds good! Like the fact that rum is added ;-)


My awesome gardening friends...thanks for leaving a comment! I don't typically repond here, but I love knowing who you are so I can visit your blog as well.

btw - if you're trying to show me nude Miley Cyrus photos, sell me nikes or viagra or antibiotics, or encourage my lovely garden readers to visit your site on solar panel construction, or seo-whatevers, sorry, but I'm not publishing your comment. If you want to moderate my blog - well, I can't keep you too busy, and the pay would be horrible. And lastly, no. I'm not interested in Club Penguin cheat codes. Thanks anyway.

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