Friday, April 15, 2011

GBBD - April 2011

It's springtime and I can't even fathom how many gazillabytes of data are probably passing through May Dreams Gardens on this Garden Blogger's Bloom Day. Lots to show you so I'll keep the commentary largely to myself this time!

Above: grape hyacinth. Below: sinocalycalycanthus buds

Above: one of my several hellebores. Gorgeous cut and floating in a bowl of water. Below: daffs, fox's grape in the foreground and strawberries almost in bloom in the background.

Moss phlox on the stone wall.

Trout lily above and checkered lilies below.

Blooms of the fothergilla shrub above and fragrant rose-scented tulip below.

Below: blooms from my daff collection...

Below: Ruth, who stumbled upon my blog searching for Napa cabbage info, e-mailed me these amazing photos she was sent of tulips from Skagit Valley where she is originally from. Crazy, huh?!

BY THE WAY: Don't forget that on 4/30, we will launch this season's Garden to Table Challenge. What will you be harvesting and cooking? Get ready to blog about it - every week!


  1. So many beautiful blooms in your garden. The checkered lilies are stunning!

  2. Those checkered lilies are quite impressive - what an unusual flower.

  3. You are so far ahead of us for growth. Just beautiful and those photos of the tulips are amazing.

  4. Beautiful pictures, love that Red Veined Sorrel...ours is starting to get big enough to be picked and once again adorns our daily salads.:)

  5. Rose-scented tulip? I want one! Don't know if the mice and deer would let me keep it though :(

  6. Wow, you have lots of flowers already! I know your area might still be kind of cold? Love that Moss phlox on the stone wall picture. Never seen checkered lily before, so pretty and unique! Wow, those tuplips pictuers are just stunning, yes, also crazy! LOL

  7. I enjoyed seeing your beautiful bloomers, especially your daffodils and checkered unusual! (By the way I'm a retired high school counselor who now is enjoying "guiding" the flower children in my garden and I have a friend who is working on her degree in landscape architecture at night as well!)

  8. Beautiful! You've got so many more flowers blooming than I do, I'm a little jealous. :-) Those tulip pictures are really amazing too, thanks for sharing them. I'm looking forward to your Garden to Table challenge!

  9. Oh my wow! Those photos of the tulip fields are spectacular. So pretty!

  10. Hi wendy, great photos, my favourite is pheasants eye daff. And superb aerial photos of tulip farms. Wonderful colours, like an abstract modern art exhibit. Or tapestry. Looking forward to reading the GTTC, but as usual have little to contribute except parsley. cheers, cm

  11. Beautiful photos of garden bloomers! A rose-scented tulip? How delightful. Those tulip photos are just amazing.

  12. Glad I didn't miss this post! Your flowers are gorgeous. And I am amazed by the sight of the colourful tulips from far... yes crazy!

  13. Wendy, its always lovely to hear from you. Thank you. By the way, those tulip fields are stunning.

  14. I want to get some Fritillaria (checkered lilies) and Trout Lily. Those aerial photos are amazing.


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