Saturday, June 5, 2010

Recipe for pizza parties

My 5 year old was regaling me with the details of the wonderful pizza party her school had yesterday during which all the students made their own pizzas using herbs from their student-tended garden. I helped her record the recipe so that we (and now you!) can have your own fabulous pizza party at home!
Preschool Pizza (do it with a grown up)

4 muffins if you all want to make one
4 cheese
5 scoops tomato sauce
4 leaf herbs from the garden to make it taste good
Pick the herbs and wash them, then put them in the sauce.
Put the muffin on your plate and put the sauce on with a spoon.
Put the cheese on, then sprinkle it all around.
Bake it in the oven on warm until you count to 60, then count to 30.


  1. AWw..she is so cute..Such a fun and sweet post! yay!
    Have a happy wkd!

  2. Are they English muffins? They sure sound good!

  3. Thanks Kiki!

    Sue, ha ha - yes, I think they're English muffins. At first, she kept saying "butter muffins", and I think she meant the English muffins we put butter on. :)


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