Saturday, December 1, 2012

Kabocha for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert

Kabocha is a perfect fall/winter pumpkin for cooking.  The slightly sweet and nutty taste along with the smooth texture and dry water content makes it a great substitution for any recipe that calls for pumpkin.  

Above: Kabocha (steamed and mashed) pecan waffles with maple syrup
Below: Irish oatmeal with sauteed kabocha, pecan, brown sugar, golden raisins and a drizzle of coconut milk.  Holy yumminess!

Below: a savory curried kabocha and pork for dinner.  Another favorite not pictured: a pureed soup of kabocha, sauteed leeks, ginger, some cream and parmesan.  

Below: a beautiful and just-sweet-enough Sankaya, or Thai coconut custard.  Recipe on Wai Sek - my Asian foods blog... and also soon to be published in Heirloom Gardener magazine.  

How could you use this versatile Asian winter squash in your own recipes?  


  1. I have never had kabocha...I must say that i think I am missing out. Those dishes look fantastic! Every single one of them!!!! Girl you are talented!!!

  2. I just made a lamb stew flavored with pomegranate molasses containing chunks of butternut squash. This might be an interesting alternative. All of your dishes look fabulous. Wish I could come to dinner at your house.

  3. Your dishes look wonderful. I really want those waffles.

    Thank you for you kind words of support. I am with you and your husband on pulling through this difficult time as well. Wish I had a better severance package, but will have to make due. Let's keep both our thoughts to moving forward.

  4. Actually Wendy girl, I'm really hungry for pumpkin, pecan waffles right now, thank you very much. Yummy!

  5. I've never had kabocha, but after seeing these amazing dishes I think I need to.

  6. I'm with Charlotte. You might want to consider a second career as a food photographer and stylist, Wendy.

  7. Thumbs up to you. I agree with Charlotte and Dirtynailz. Love the spread here. Yummy!

  8. the natural sweetness of kabocha.


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