Saturday, October 29, 2011

Lots of random stuff

Happy Halloween! The little one is going to be some sort of vampire princess - the costume is pretty ornate and the natural fangs (since the top two teeth are missing) complete the look. It'th juth tho cute!!! (that's the missing front teeth lisp)

Today, it snowed all day! The fall scene looks a little odd dotted with the large flakes of snow. My husband said it was being called "The Rare October Snow". Wonder which creative genius coined that?

I must thank all those who commented about Scamp in my last post. It was a really stressful and emotional week. This is Scamp above, bored out of his freaking sweet and gentle mind during this 2 week period of crate confinement. I've been waxing poetic (and melodramatic) in a journal about this whole thing so I'll spare the readers of this public blog, but if anyone happens upon this, is going through it, and would like to e-mail me for more of my/Scamp's personal story, please feel free. But for the rest of the garden readers here, I'll just say it's been a difficult time, but we're feeling optimistic after seeing his tail wag ever so slightly yesterday. Yesterday, I'm pretty sure I saw him pick up and move one of his back legs ever so slightly as well. We're now about 11 days post-op. Anyway, your comments have meant a lot and have been reassuring and so helpful!!! Thank you!!!!! :)

For my husband, the month of October becomes "Shocktober". He spends all his spare time watching horror (many b-rated) and other Halloween themed movies. He noticed that in this scene from Attack of the Giant Leeches, the main character was apparently getting his spring seed order together!!! See the seed catalog on the table?

This photo was taken of Scamp the (hot) dog during one of the 4 days we spent with him before he ruptured a disk. The costume was so much cuter on the slimmer dog on the website. So it's the same story for the canine world, huh.

Since I basically do not cook anymore due to my schedule and recent stress, my husband's little concoction is this week's Garden to Table Challenge entry. These jalapenos are stuffed with a combination of different fillings - garlic, garlic/blue cheese, blue cheese/cream cheese, and other combinations of the three ingredients. These were then stuck on a skewer and grilled. He and his friend Walter sure had a good time trying each combo. I personally made sure he kept his distance until we got a fresh bottle of Listerine. Anyone still harvesting out there? In what ways are you using your harvests? Link below and tell about it!

Finally, my friend Grace sent this lovely short video of blooms opening set to music. You may have seen something like this, but it's always nice to watch again.


  1. That is one adorable vampire princess!! I'm way behind on my blog reading so I'll have to go back and read about Scamp. Poor baby. I hope he's healing fast!!

  2. That's cute vampire princess! Hope Scamp will recover soon! Happy Haloween!

  3. How could you resist popping a couple of those jalapenos yourself? They sound terrific!

  4. Wendy, I want to hear more about Scamp. I'll email you. The photo is so sad. I'm glad he's starting to wag his tail. He knows he's loved. Your husband's movie ritual cracks me up. How funny about the seed catalog. Only a gardener would notice that! Your little "tufeleth" ["toothless" with a lisp] daughter looks adorable. Hope she had fun going as a Princess/vampire. :)

  5. That hotdog costume is so funny. I've not seen that before , so could not stop giggling to myself, so much so I had to call my husband over to show him and he just raised his eyebrows - typical man!

  6. I am catching up on reading blogs and I didn't even know about poor Scamp. I truly hope he is feeling better now and you too, with all the stress.
    Hope you can catch some R and R. And find some time to whip up more deliciousness. Your husbands appetizers look spicy!

  7. I love the hotdog look. So cute! Ah, the stuff jalapenos looks yummy. I can wallop all of them.


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