Saturday, November 27, 2010

GTTC - sweet potato spread and sweet potato pecan crisp

I blog on this cold and windy post-Thanksgiving afternoon with peace and quiet throughout the house. The tryptophan (or carbs or sugar or whatever) effect seems to have taken over this family. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving (free of family drama and excess poundage)!

Yesterday morning, I made a sweet potato spread inspired by an article in the Washington Post. The spread is about 1 part butter to about 1.5 parts steamed, mashed sweet potato, and spiced up with with some cinnamon and nutmeg. It was a nice simple breakfast on the cornbread from last night's take-out chili from Hard Times.

My husband went for a quick visit with his childhood friend who now lives in North Carolina. He came home with a bag of pecans he picked off the ground from his friend's 2 large pecan trees...

...perfect for topping the sweet potato casserole! Each year, everyone remarks how much they don't like sweet potatoes, but how much they love this casserole. This Thanksgiving, the fresh pecan topping ramped it up another notch.


Congrats to Ricki, who was not only the sole person to link up last week (ha ha!), but also earned a letter 'G' towards the GTTC winter edition prize of 1/2 my spring seed order. For complete rules, read here and then play along! What are the rest of you harvesting, cooking, or eating right now?


  1. I like how you are using the sweet potato and may have to give that spread a try. Glad you enjoyed the holiday...wish I had a pecan tree.:)

  2. That looks yummy Wendy! I bought some sweet potatoes and I was going to make fries with them but you may have changed my mind. Looks delish!!

  3. Hotdamn those pecans looks yummy. I bet they are so good because they are actually fresh and haven't been sitting on a shelf for two years getting rancid like the ones I pick up occasionally.
    That spread looks delectable.
    Thanks for commenting on my blog, always enjoy hearing from you.

  4. Wow, I love sweet potatoes and this dish looks so delicious. How awesome that your husband's friend has a pecan tree. How awesome!

  5. It look so yummy and suddenly I have craving for sweet potatoes. Counting with my fingers on how many month will we have to wait for our just sprouted sweet potatoes to produce big fat tubers.

  6. Sweeet potato spread should be delicious! Will keep this in mind. Might be nice on biscuit also. Tea time jam yum yum... thanks Wendy. Btw I would like that casserole also ;-)

  7. Hi Wendy, There's something about the butter, brown sugar, nuts and in my case marshmallows that transforms blah orange paste into something infinitely more taste bud-worthy. What could it be? :)

    Yummy photos!!

  8. The sweet potato spread looks yummy! Good idea for my evening tea!

  9. You are a good cook. The sweet potato spread and caserole looks delicious. I only know how to make steamed sweet potatoes and tong shui with it.

  10. That looks just like the sweet potatoes I made for Thanksgiving. I cheated and a bag of pre-chopped pecans.

  11. Hi Wendy, Glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I just happen to have some sweet potatoes in the pantry that I was wondering what I was going to do with! I don't have any fresh pecans, though;-( BUT adding pecans to a casserole sounds like a great idea, which I'll keep in mind. The 'spread' sounds yummy, too!

  12. It looks like you had a tasty Thanksgiving! That sweet potato crisp must have been divine. I really admire your creativity, Wendy!

  13. Yum!! Another fabulous post Wendy..everything looks divine, I love sweet potatoes...great photos too..shine on!!

  14. Oh, yum, that sounds so tasty. I'm working through every sweet potato recipe I can find right now. We love them and they're such a big hit on these cold winter nights. Sweet potato cheesecake (with Gingerbread cookie crust!) was the latest and greatest creation.

  15. Ooh -- I have an army of a sweet potato harvest to use up and these recipes both sound delicious!

  16. Hi Wendy! I'm totally a slacker and have fallen off the GTTC wagon this time around - there's not much happening in my garden, aside from the canned stuff we've been eating, so I don't have much to report. That, and I secretly love the break from the garden that winter brings - I don't even want to think about the garden until January 15th. :-P
    Love that you're creative with your sweet potatoes. All I ever do is bake them or roast them. I'll have to try some more interesting things like you've got here!


My awesome gardening friends...thanks for leaving a comment! I don't typically repond here, but I love knowing who you are so I can visit your blog as well.

btw - if you're trying to show me nude Miley Cyrus photos, sell me nikes or viagra or antibiotics, or encourage my lovely garden readers to visit your site on solar panel construction, or seo-whatevers, sorry, but I'm not publishing your comment. If you want to moderate my blog - well, I can't keep you too busy, and the pay would be horrible. And lastly, no. I'm not interested in Club Penguin cheat codes. Thanks anyway.

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