Sunday, November 14, 2010

GBBD - November 2010

Hello garden lovers - recently, I've only been able to post once a week or so, but I could never miss Garden Blogger's Bloom Day hosted by May Dreams Garden. If you are a vegetable gardener or enjoy cooking, be sure to check out my Garden to Table Challenge - where extreme gardening cooks are still harvesting (or at least BUYING seasonal vegetables) and showing off their expertise in the kitchen. I've just introduced a new contest, so please join in!

For GBBD, I think it's safe to say I have the most blooms out of everyone. And I can say that without sounding too obnoxious because these photos were taken from Brookside Gardens. :)

I came to see the Chrysanthemum display. When I walked into the greenhouse, I was NOT impressed.

But then I realized the REAL show was in the adjoining greenhouse. These gigantic blooms are as large as an adult's head!

Now back to the zone 6 reality... My coneflowers still have quite a bit of energy.

Euphorbia - I make all my family members check out the gradual-but-daily marooning of this plant. They've just about had it with me. But really, have you seen foliage so beautiful?

My chrysanthemum has grown so tall (I neglected to prune like I should have), it's flopped and creeping about 3 feet across the ground.

Ever-reliable and always perfect rose.

The gorgeous red of the new blueberry shrub (white knockout rose behind it).

What's blooming in YOUR part of the world?


  1. Oh my, those blooms are outstanding! It's nice to see all those flowers in the Fall!

  2. Brookside Gardens looks magnificent. But I think my favourite photo is the coneflower close-up.

  3. Love the chryssies. Do we take it that you like pink?


  4. It's always wonderful to see roses. Yours look so sweet. My blue gloxinia just fully opened its first flower today ;-) oh, your blueberry shrub is gorgeous!

  5. Looks like a trip to Brookside would be well worth the effort. Wow! There are still plenty of roses in the garden here, too.

  6. The Garden display is wonderful ... but you also have some great flowers blooming away in your garden as well. Your Chrysanthemum is a stunner ... and the white Knockout rose with the Blueberry shrub make a great pair.

  7. Wendy, the Brookside Gardens show looks pretty impressive. In Toronto, Allan Gardens Conservatory has a similar chrysanth show about now that I've always managed to miss. Must toddle down to see it. Congrats on having so much to show for a November GBBD. I'd be right there admiring your euphorbia if I lived next door. (Neighbours often find me ogling their gardens.)

  8. There really are a lot of lovely blooming flowers here. Oh, how I love flower shows. That bird of paradise is really out of this world.

  9. Wendy,
    About the Yerba Mate, I wouldn' know how marijuana tea tastes. :)
    Raspberry leaf tea is just what it says it is. Not much for flavor which is why most of the time it is blended with other flavors. I just plucked them off my raspberry plants in my garden. Those darn raspberries never produced one flipping berry and I figured they might as well be useful. I got more raspberries off the wild plants in the forest near our house!

  10. No question, the most blooms for sure, and beautiful ones at that.

  11. Lovely flowers. You still have quite a bit to show. My garden is stacked up in the garage waiting for next year. (All my pots.)

  12. That Euphorbia foliage is classy -- and pretty enough to be counted as a bloom.

    I'm still struggling to imagine Chrysanthemums where each blossom is head-sized. If I were you, I'd probably still be stuck at those gardens, with my mouth hanging open. ;)

  13. Lovely flowers. I was admiring the big mum flower arrangement at the church yesterday - in honor of a woman gone for five years, given by her husband and sons. The woman who made the arrangement said how much she loves working with mums. I also admired the greenery and she said that was just greenery from her yard. :)

  14. Those mums are crazy! I have that same Euphorbia and agree, it's really lovely!

  15. Thank you for taking us to the trip as well to see those big head chrysanthemum. Pretty blooms in your garden Wendy.

  16. Wow! That's an exuberant chrysanthemum display. I must admit that I'm more partial to your euphorbia with maroon tint: pretty gorgeous. Happy bloom day.

  17. I love seeing tours of public gardens. Thanks for showing this one.

  18. Pretty blooms! I like your chrysanthemum!

  19. Hahaha! You made me laugh, Wendy. Yes, I see the energy in those flowers in Zone 6. :)

  20. Wendy, haha, those flowers are really splendidly stunning, but of course that is in exhibit! But yours ares stunning as well, in their own right. those foliage with burgundy juvenile shoots are so lovely, will they produce flowers too?

  21. Hi Wendy, I actually prefer your flowers to the others which are are very beautiful, but somehow contrived?????? Euphorbias I fear can be addictive, at least I fear I am becoming addicted. (I feel a post coming on ...) cheers, catmint

  22. wow..
    Are those really growing in the greenhouses in your region - those look like heaven!!!
    Currently wishbone flowers and spicy jathrophas are my faithful bloomers.

  23. Yup, you win. And what's blooming around my area? Blue tarps masquerading as shrubbery and street gravel pretending to be groundcovers.

    I know it's passe, but my favorite photo was of the orange mums.

    Christine in Alaska, cold and dead place

  24. WOW, gorgeous flowers! There is absolutely nothing left blooming at our house now- seventeen degrees kills pretty much everything off. :-\ Glad you've still got some pretties around though!

  25. Wendy, is that cone flower "Merlot?" I planted some in a client's garden this year, and they look like yours.Lovely, by the way.

  26. Wow Wendy, I so envy your garden. Your garden puts mine to shame. I have 3 rose bushes but gosh, they don't bloom like yours. I have no idea what's growing over in the west coast. Even if I did, I wouldn't know the name to the blooms.


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